The Role of Play in the Classroom

A Self-Renewing Resource

The first weeks of the school year in the Netherlands are now behind us. It has been days of relationship building with people, spaces and materials. There has been time to play; to discover shared interests, new possibilities with materials and develop friendships. Days and weeks of ups and downs, joys and tears, surprises and familiarity, coming out of our shells or leaving not enough space for others.

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And then it ‘suddenly’ feels like ‘things are falling into place.’ There are so many connections, questions, requests and discoveries that it is sometimes hard to keep track of everything that is going on. A ‘domino game’ that started with small blocks reappears at the light table, notes are written everywhere, a child wants to go to the forest to look for squirrels, another one really wants to visit a ‘princess house,’ water-color paintings dry on the rack, a group of children is pretending to travel on the bus and I stand there mesmerised by the beauty of what unfolds around me.

What I notice is what Seth Godin describes so beautifully in one of his latest blog posts about initiative (

We’re not going to run out. It’s a self-renewing resource.

He writes, “The only way to get initiative is to take it. It’s never given.” This speaks to me about the power of choice and the ability for children to direct their learning through play. Young children never stop playing and are incredibly resourceful in finding new possibilities. Play truly is a space for initiative which shapes the learning that is going on. Sometimes this research is initiated independently and at other times a small group may take charge of something before others do.

I followed up on the requests to visit a princess house. I asked a student where we should go and she said, ‘Well, you know.” I had to tell her that I don’t know where to find the princess house. Apparently, according to her, “You must find the dragons. If you find them, you find the princesses.” I am thinking of going along with her thinking by proposing to create our own princess house and involving the children in the construction of this new play space. I wonder where this will take us and what it will reveal about the children’s relationships with each other and their surroundings. I am hoping they will become even more aware that they can shape the classroom space and the learning just as much as I do.

I wonder:

What kind of initiatives have you noticed lately with your students?

How do you document these moments and how does it inform your planning?

How do you engage with requests, theories or interests that may feel ‘uncomfortable.’ For example, weapon/superhero play or conversations about death?

Seth Godin reminds us that many of us have been educated or raised in such a way that initiative was not valued and even taken away from us. Early childhood settings that value play provide a space for agency. This is how young children learn about themselves and others and how to live together.

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Anne Van Dam

Child-centred learning has been Anne’s passion for more than 25 years. She has worked in schools in the Netherlands, China, Singapore and Switzerland as team leader, curriculum coordinator and director. Anne’s passion for early learning translates evolves around young children’s competencies, play, learning spaces and making learning visible to others. Anne collaborates with international schools as an educational consultant and works alongside 4 and 5 year olds at an inner city, inquiry based school in her hometown.