Why NOT to Make a New Year’s Resolution

Here’s What to do Instead

Typically New Year’s Resolutions are vague goals that sound along the lines of, “I’m going to eat better, exercise more, be more patient, get better at xyz, do more of this, less of that…”

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The challenge with these types of goals (which we can actually make at any time of year) is that they’re non-specific, not necessarily linked to a bigger reason and they lack any sort of plan of action.

Here are three strategies to combat those challenges, but even before we dive into those, if you just want a simple way to frame your year, why not come up with a ‘word for the year?’

Pick Your Word for the Year
This is something I’ve done since 2016 and it’s a really powerful way to have one word to give you focus and clarity. One word to come back to that will influence the things you do and say – the things you put time, energy and attention into.

For example I’ve had words like focus, family, joy, connection and relaxed. I’ve had clients and friends who’ve chosen words such as strong, fearless, success, courage, authentic, harmony, reconciliation and even the words ice cream! It doesn’t matter what your word is – as long as it speaks to you and really resonates with you. So go for a walk and ponder – what might your word be? See what comes to mind.

You might like to grab a pen and paper and brainstorm a list of possible words and then narrow it down to just one. There is huge power in having a single word. Remember, there are no right or wrong words, so just go with your gut. Once you have your word for the year you can keep coming back to it throughout the year. It will help by serving as a filter to the decisions you make day to day. After all, that is how your year will unfold…day by day.

If you’re also thinking of setting some goals for the year (which is a great idea by the way) let’s look at a better way of doing it:

1. Be Specific
If you have a goal in mind rather than a vague intention to ‘get fit,’ decide what you really want and find a way to express it in a concrete way. I am going to get fit enough to run for 30 minutes without stopping, or I’m going to be fit enough to run a certain event on a certain date. The more specific you can be in setting the goal, the more it will drive your motivation to take action.

2. Know Your WHY
Rather than aiming to do something because you see other people doing it or feel like people might expect it of you, the only goals that you’ll truly be motivated to achieve are the ones that YOU are
passionate about.

If you understand that you want to be fitter and stronger so you can keep up with the kids and have the energy and strength to rough and tumble with them after work each night, you’ll be able to picture what that will mean day to day in your life. If you know that learning a new skill will mean you can help more people, or advance more quickly with your career aspirations, you can picture what that will mean.

The best way to switch on your internal motivation to get started is
to know your compelling why and to pursue it.

3. Start Small and Take Regular Action
No idea, however brilliant, will work on its own. To create change you need to take action. The biggest reason people fail and give up on their goals is trying to do too much, too quickly. So you want to drink more water – great! Rather than aiming for 3 litres a day, start with an extra glass of water by morning tea time, then add half a glass at afternoon tea, then a full glass, and continue extending this until it becomes your new norm. The key to achieving any goals that you set is to maintain momentum, no matter how slow.

Wishing you every success with achieving your goals and much learning from the spaces in between when things don’t quite work out as planned.

Feel free to drop me a line to let me know what your word for the year is. I’d love to hear it and there is power in sharing it!

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Lauren Parsons

Lauren is an award-winning Wellbeing Specialist who believes that everyone deserves to thrive. With over 20 years’ experience in the health and wellbeing profession, she is a sought after speaker, coach and consultant.
TEDx speaker, author, founder of the Snack on Exercise movement and host of the Thrive TV Show, Lauren is based in Manawatu, New Zealand. She specialises in helping schools and organisations create a high-energy,
peak- performance team culture, which enables people to thrive.

For more information, visit: www.LaurenParsonsWellbeing.com