Formative and summative assessments – How our approach can be driven by personality type.

We all respond and react to different tasks – most often according to our personalities. The four dominant personalities can be so clearly identified when approaching a situation or challenge. Take for instance the two types of Assessments we use in our classrooms;

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1. Personality Responses to Keeping up with Formative Assessments. 

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2. Personality Responses to Keeping up with Summative Assessments.

When it comes to the Summative Assessment (Test driven assessments) I have heard comments in the staff room from different teachers and clearly they respond or react to them differently.


“So much to do – so little time.”
is keeping me from being in the classroom”


“I can see clearly how the child needs to be developed more” “I don’t see the necessity for all this” “If you are a fully engaged teacher the testing shouldn’t be required.”


“I have been working for 17 years as a teacher and all these assessments that have been brought in over the years have just added more work but not impacted hugely. I am a professional, and continue to do the very best for the child.


“I welcome these testings. I can monitor from the results and this helps me to be more efficient.”

You can see how we can get irritated with each other when working in teams as we respond (positively) or react (negatively) to what is required in our work. Looking at the teaching time from the perspective of the personality it could look like this:

Playful teachers have a tendency to make sure that every student is happy and content that they have been heard. They will explain a theory or learning through storytelling – probably sharing way beyond the time required.

Powerful teachers have a tendency to make sure everyone has understood the concept of what is required by them. (Sometime children find this type intimidating, especially a Peaceful student – they can feel overwhelmed by their strong presence). Powerful teachers can see the potential in each child and finds it frustrating when the student can’t see this.

The Precise teacher will go over the concept through varied and different ways so that the student has well understood it. They are known to be thorough in their approach. They have a tendency to expect the very best out of each child.

The Peaceful teacher is very relaxed and will revisit a concept if someone is not sure and patient when the student doesn’t grasp it first time. They are the most gentle in their approach to others.

Whatever personality we have been given (this comes in our DNA) we all look at things from that perspective and lens view of that personality. Let’s appreciate our different styles, because in the middle of them all is wisdom.

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Allison Mooney

Allison is a passionate and endearing speaker who infuses a desire in her audience to significantly increase their performance as educators through identifying the behaviours and traits of others. Author of Pressing the Right Buttons, Allison has been twice awarded “Speaker of the Year” by the Auckland Chapter of NZ National Speakers Association.