The Thinker

Praise the Tortoise & Recognise the Hare

As human beings, we all possess an ability to think and process information in order to make sense of an idea. Moreover, completing a task like this varies with regard to an individual’s speed, accuracy and success. For example, consider a recent experience I encountered in the classroom. For a class of 23 students, I distributed an open-ended reading comprehension quiz, consisting of ten questions, in order to assess students’ knowledge on the first five chapters of the Catcher in the Rye.

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This formative assessment often takes students an average of 20 minutes to complete. What caught my immediate attention was the disparity of time, mostly with regard to “when” students finished, and “how” well they did. Of the 16 students who finished at or under the 20-minute mark, their answers provided less detail, minimal information and a lack of sufficient understanding. For the students who were over
the 20-minute mark, their answers showed deeper thinking and more refined answers connected to the questions asked.

This outcome got me thinking and questioning the way I approach and recognise the behaviour of “thinking” within and surrounding my students varying learning capacities. In other words, in my classroom of learning, is a culture that places value on tortoises (those who need extra time to finish or learn a concept) equally important to hares (those who finish or learn a concept quickly) in order for an equitable learning environment to thrive?

In the fable, The Tortoise and the Hare, a slow yet persistent tortoise challenged an outspoken self-boasting hare to a race. To the hare, this challenge was accepted with cockiness and laughter as this was more of a joke than anything else. So the race began and off the hare went, dominating his opponent from the start. With few respites throughout the course, the hare relaxed and enjoyed the pleasures of the day. However, the persistent tortoise keep moving along the path until it finally came to the finish line. And, as we all could expect, beat the hare. Yes, the slow and steady tortoise won the race!

The central message from this fable serves as an analogy for identifying what teachers tend to overlook – intention and pace matter more than completion and speed.

What Does This Mean?

It is often perceived that students who complete work the fastest are the smartest. I believe it is safe to say that all teachers have “hares” – those who finish first with assignments, answer discussion questions before others have an opportunity, and complete a quiz at an alarming speed. This should not be viewed as a problem, especially when these students are showing progress and success in learning the intended goals. Although, it does impact the equitability for the “tortoises” in the classroom. These students may process information at a slower pace, struggle retaining information, display weakness in recalling prior knowledge, or stumble when trying to communicate ideas when speaking. Often, in order to alleviate the pressure and anxiety that comes along with this persona of being a tortoise is the response of just not participating, rushing to complete a quiz and neglecting the act of engagement.

A strategic approach for creating a more equitable and safe zone for “tortoises” is by incorporating four specific Habits of Mind
as a common language and behavioural practice in a learning environment while keeping an equitable learning experience for all.

Habits of Mind for Learning Equity

1. Promote Creating, Imagining and Innovating with Formative Assessments

When designing assessments, offer a choice of creative tasks or questions. Also, set a
reasonable time limit for when the assessment needs to be turned in – taking into

consideration a rough time expectation of your tortoises in the classroom.

2. Thinking Independently through Discussion Format

To keep equitable opportunities to share and learn from a discussion, when it comes
time to assess understanding, instead of asking the whole class, ask students to share with a partner their thoughts or ideas to a question. As a teacher, you can walk around and monitor this process. This gives voice to all through an equitable approach.

3. Thumbs Up when Striving for Accuracy in Note Taking

Whether it’s math formulas, powerpoint science notes, writing down dates in history, or
grammar corrections in English, note-taking can become an arduous task. You need to make sure you get notes before the teacher moves on. As a teacher, to make sure all students have equal opportunity to take notes, provide a simple sign that everyone can share when they are ready to move on. Thumbs up, nod, peace sign…whatever fits your culture.

4. Using Metacognition for Setting a Deadline

Offer a range of dates for assignment deadlines. This allows students to brainstorm, plan
ahead, set goals and follow through with an assignment at their own pace.

Accountability must be a standard within and throughout this process. In the end, all students are personalising their time frame and learning.

Remember, always allow the tortoises to shine just as much as the hare – that is equality matching up with learning at its best.

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Dr Daniel Vollrath, Ed.D.
Dr Daniel Vollrath, Ed.D. (@HabitsofMindInc) is a special education teacher at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in New Jersey, and a United States Professional Development Trainer for the Habits of Mind Institute. As a current educational leader within the classroom, Daniel’s best practices, strategies, goals, classroom culture and interactions with students with a learning disability are centered around the Habits of Mind.
For more information contact him at: